
We spoiled ourselves Saturday evening by taking a sunset cruise, followed by a “Cowboy dinner” and then a sound and light show on the Colorado River.

Slowing going down river on the sunset cruise

Slowing going down river on the sunset cruise

The sunset cruise took us down river from Moab in a covered jetboat.  We saw arches and petroglyphs, observed rock-climbers and listened to the stories and tall tales of our guide.

Poison spider arch

Poison spider arch

Jug handle arch

Jug handle arch

Sun going down over the Colorado River

Sun going down over the Colorado River

Woman rock-climber (the majority are women)

Woman rock-climber (the majority are women)

Petroglyphs (Indian writing) a bit hard to see on the picture

Petroglyphs (Indian writing) a bit hard to see on the picture

The cruise was then followed by a delicious Cowboy-Style dinner entirely cooked in Dutch Oven.

After dinner, we boarded a theater boat, which took us up river this time, and after dark, we watched the walls of the canyon come to life  with 40, 000 watts of illumination.  The lights were choreographed with stories about the creation and history of the area.  After the lights were turned off, we were treated to one of the clearest sky I have ever seen, showcasing millions of stars. Pictures were not allowed during the light show, so the company provides professional pictures on their website.

Lights on the canyon walls

Lights on the canyon walls

Shadows playing on the canyon walls

Shadows playing on the canyon walls

Much better picture than anything I could have done.

Much better picture than anything I could have done

The company is called Canyonlands by Night and Day and we highly recommend them.

Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 162 user reviews.

5 Responses to “”

  • Debi Thomas Says:

    fabulous, simply fabulous!!!!

  • Tante Lison Says:

    Bonjour ma belle

    Je dois dire que je péche par envie…

    J aimerais tant faire ça c est mon rêve

    Ta vieille tante qui aura bientôt 70 ans le crois tu moi pas

    Un beau bonjoue à Bear et de gros bisous à vous deux

    Tante Lison

  • Iris Giuliani Says:

    It’s like being there, thanks, for bringing us along.

  • Dora Says:

    The pictures are beautiful!
    You must enjoy yourselves very much.
    And about the Dutch Oven, I found out that it was called like that when we came here in the USA! Isn’t that hilarious!
    We just call it a ‘braadpan’ 🙂

  • bearchel Says:

    I know what you mean about the Dutch Oven, it’s like French fries (they are actually from Belgium) the translation from the French name would be “fried potato”, or “French toasts” we call them Pain Doré (golden bread), or “pain perdu” (Lost bread) nothing French there either… I guess it sounds better when it sounds exotic LOL !