
After our visit in the Pocono Mountains, we made our way to Lake George NY. This gorgeous 32 miles long lake is about 3 hours from Montreal, right in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains.

We were only spending a day there, so we made the most of it. We started by taking a lunch cruise on the “Lac du Saint Sacrement” ship.

Lake George

The name of the ship is also the previous name of Lake George, when the French were occupying this territory. We enjoyed a simple buffet while admiring the view along the way. There were some absolutely beautiful properties along the banks of the lake.

Lake George

The scenery was breathtaking. The weather was beautiful and we really enjoyed the nice breeze.

Lake GeorgeLake GEorge

While Bear was taking pictures of the scenery, he got slightly distracted… 😉

Lake George

There were lots of local people enjoying the day. These teak speed boats are made in Lake George.

Lake George

Next to the piers where we disembarked from the boat, was the entrance to the replica of Fort William Henry. The original was destroyed in 1757, during the French-Indian war. This war was part of a large conflict between England and France and was fought on this soil for the control of the politics and economics of North America. This took place 20 years before the American Revolution.

The Fort we can visit today was built in the 1950’s, according to the original plans of 1755, and is sitting on the original site.

Lake George

We then drove up Prospect Mountain, and took pictures of the scenery along the way.

Lake George
We were on top of the world!

Lake George

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