
It was time to change the look of the blog, since the other theme I used was out of date and would not work with the new WordPress version.
I hope you like this new “look”, I kind of like it quite a bit myself, or maybe I’m a little biased, since I’m the one who chose it and customized it, oh well… you will have to live with it for a while, like it or not! 😉

As you can see, this new blog theme is easy to navigate. You can click on the calendar (choose a month) then look at the dates that are underlined, and click on one, that will lead you to a post. Or, look in the Recent Entries, or in the Archives to find the post you are looking for. When choosing a month from the archives, the blog will only show two posts at a time, you can scroll to the end of the page and click on “older entries” or “newer entries” to find the post you want. In the archive drop down menu, the number next to the name of the month shows how many entries were made during this particular month. Or, you can enter a key word in the Search field, and see what happens! 😉

I re-activated the comments, I hope that this time, it won’t bring all kinds of SPAMS and troubles since I upgraded to a newer version of Word Press, we will see.

All of this because the blog was hacked, maybe this was a good thing, it forced me to upgrade and work on it a little. Oh well…such is life. C’est la vie!

Oh! by the way, if you are on a page where the pictures show as thumbnails (this happens in Internet Explorer for some reason), just click on the title of the post , that will display it on one page, with full size pictures.

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