
After many trials and tribulations, we were finally able to get on the road again.

We joined our friends the Florida Roos for a Rally in Arcadia, Fl. One of the activities planned (apart from eating) was to go to the Arcadia All-Florida Championship 81st Annual Rodeo.

We caravaned together to the Rodeo stadium, and after getting some food from the vendors, we packed ourselves literally like sardines on the bleachers. This rodeo is very popular and there were approximately 8, 000 people in attendance that day.

Don sporting the head gear of the day

Don sporting the appropriate head gear for the day

Our gang

Our gang arriving at the Rodeo

We were treated to many events, including timed events like riding bucking bulls and broncs

Bucking bronc

Bucking bronc

Bucking bull

Bucking bull

A Quadrille, which is a square dance on horses. The riders usually practice for about 3 months before each rodeo. Each couple wears matching shirts and jeans. They perform all kinds of square dance moves, including a very very fast figure 8. It was quite amazing.



The WPRA Barrel racing was very exciting. It takes months of practice and years of hauling and thousands of dollars to produce a good barrel racing prospect. The horse must have speed, stamina and strength. The rider must know how to use her hands, feet and legs to cue the horse around the cloverleaf pattern. Their time is measured in hundredths of seconds, with the fastest time winning.

Barrel racing

Barrel Racing

Team roping and junior barrel racing were also on the program, but the cutest event was the mutton bustin’ where children between 4 and 6 years old have to ride a sheep for as long as possible. The one who rides the longest wins a shiny new belt buckle. (no good pictures, I was having to much fun just watching) 🙂

Lots of champions were participating in the events, which made for a very exciting rodeo. 😀

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