
After a lot of planning and a lot of hard work preparing everything, we are finally ready to go. The yard will have to fend for itself while we are away, I worked hard so it would have a fighting chance.  All the prep work is now paying off, my roses are going crazy right now.

Knock out roses in bloom

Knock out roses in bloom

I am glad I at least got to see that before we left. I will miss the spectacle of the crape myrtles in bloom and by the time we come back, everything will be overgrown, but whatever,   I can leave knowing that I did what I could.
The motorhome is packed with all the essentials, like food and clothes and of course the most important the yarn stash!

Yarn stash

Yarn stash

It may not look too impressive, but that is a deep drawer and there are multiple layers of yarn in there.  I have other stuff under the bed and a whole plastic bin full of books and magazines.  I should be alright for a while, especially since our first stop will be in Atlanta, at the Stitches South knitting show!

Two stowaways, Gizmo and Chubby Chicken already chose their seat and are ready to go!  They will star in pictures along the way.




Chubby Chicken

We have a cruise to Alaska planned for June 19, so I am actively working on my Sylvi. I hope to be able to wear it on the cruise. I don’t have much done yet, but that’s a start! I love the yarn and the color, so hopefully I call pull this off.


Back of Sylvi coat

This major road trip will take us all over the USA and parts of Canada,   I will try to keep you posted as we go. Just to give you an idea, here is our ‘trip map”, the one we are using to plan everything.


Trip map

Apart from the Alaskan cruise, I am very excited about going to the Sock Summit in August!

It is a bit harder for me to leave this year, I made a lot of friends this past winter and I will miss them and my knitting afternoons with the girls. Also, after my son Nicolas graduates in August he intends on moving back to Canada, so when we come back home, he and his wife won’t be close-by anymore. I am looking forward to seeing my family in September though, my grandson will be turning 5 and my mom will celebrate her 82nd birthday 🙂

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One Response to “”

  • Iris Giuliani Says:

    Have fun. Your garden is beautiful and I see all the hard work you have put into the yard. Hope I accomplish half as much as you and Bear have planned during your trip. Miss you,
